Aperitivo Spritz Negroni Alternative LACASCARA Cascara Wermut Gin Orange

Cascara Negroni

The Negroni was invented in Italy in the 1920s. It's time for a modern, fruity and slightly bitter adaptation!


  • 2cl sweet red vermouth
  • 3cl gin
  • Ice cubes
  • Grapefruit
  • optionally Angostura bitters



Put the ice cubes in the tumbler and all the ingredients one after the other.

For that special something, you can finally brush the edge of the glass with the grapefruit peel and garnish your Negroni with a zest of the grapefruit peel. The aromas of grapefruit enhance the tart notes.

Alternatively - if you like it even more bitter - you can add a few drops of Angostura bitters.

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